Monday 14 April 2014

Life Story


                 It was a bright evening. I had fallen in surprise when I returned home from the college. Reason? My aunt and uncle were in my home, after a long gap. Enjoying a nice dinner, I was supposed to drop them in their house. On the return, my thoughts started flying…
                 My aunt resides in the US. There the Afro- Americans youths used to play havoc with the outsiders during the night time. I was struck by her narrations, when I heard that the same was more critical in case of Asians. My uncle is doing his research in a reputed university over there. I asked myself why he can’t find a place to do that somewhere in India. Many successive students from famous institutes in India were aiming at the placements in various multinational companies, with a few exceptions. The latter are with an ambition to be entrepreneurs and researchers in India. Though it’s credible to our heart, the continuing intellectual slavery due to the former just pours bitter milk in my tongue tip.

                  My desire is to utilize at least seventy five percent of our human resource in the development of our country. It’s not that the country man are economically poor in a developing country; it’s that they are lacking work ethics.  Nigeria, though provided with a consummate natural wealth, remains poor. On the other hand, the Taiwan, with a poor natural resource, it is a developed country. Why? The main reason is its work ethics. They offer jobs to other countries in the form of assemblage of raw material into products, researchers in various fields etc. There is no matter in talking about the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as the super five members of itself are just violating it. So it’s on our hands to level up our sides on a better platform. Human resources should be exploited in a proper manner by the regime as well as Indian based companies. A nice recall… two non-resident Indians in the US after facing a dark life there, returned to their hometown with a plan of extensive agriculture! Though they can’t achieve it economically up to the mark, but can achieve up to the brink of their heart. When my thought falls to rest, I open the gates of my house. Going to bed, my heart whispers that it’s not just a murmur, but THE CALL.

“I want my life to be the greatest story. My very existence will be the greatest poem.
Watch me burn.
Love always, Charlotte” 
― Charlotte Eriksson


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